The Dublin City Council LECP Launch at St Patrick’s Cathedral
On Wednesday 13th November the Dublin City Council Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) 2024-2029 Launch was held in St Patrick’s Cathedral. This plan covers a broad range of areas that impact on communities including health, wellbeing, inclusion, climate action, economic growth, and education.
Presenting a vision for a future-ready Dublin that balances growth with sustainability, inclusivity, and resilience it provides a comprehensive approach to tackling challenging issues while creating a city where all residents can thrive. The plan embraces both a collaborative and partnership focussed approach to achieving six high level goals and can be downloaded here.
It is great to see the alignment with national programmes such as the Healthy Ireland Framework and Sláintecare Healthy Communities Action Plan as shown in Goal 3 of this LECP. This objective aims at enhancing health and wellbeing, addressing health inequalities, including social, mental and physical, throughout all of the City’s communities.
Professor Tony Holohan, Director of Centre for One Health, UCD was guest speaker at the event which was part of Dublin’s Inclusion and Integration Week celebrating and promoting Dublin as City for All.