Launch of Commitment, Collaboration and Continuity: Celebrating Cork as a Healthy City
Picture of Cllr T Fitgerald, Denise Cahill with Kira Fortune on Screen in Backgound
Denise Cahill (Co Author) with Cllr Tony Fizgerald at the launch

“Commitment, Collaboration and Continuity: Celebrating Cork as a Healthy City” was launched by Lord Mayor of Cork City in the City Council Chambers on March 14th by the Lord Mayor. It is a great unveiling of how Cork has embraced the Healthy Cities movement. This new book reflects on Cork as a designated Health City; it shares the experiences of individuals and groups who collaborate with the World Health Organisation (WHO) to improve health and wellbeing in the city for all its citizens.

Co Authored by the Cork Healthy Cities Co-ordinator, Denise Cahill and Dr Monica O’ Mullane from UCC, it details the remarkable work that occurred in achieving and maintaining the Health City designation for the City.

Commitment, Collaboration and Continuity: Celebrating Cork as a Healthy City,O’Mullane, M. & Cahill, D (Ed.). (2023) Commitment, Collaboration and Continuity: Celebrating Cork as a Healthy City Cork: Cork City Libraries.