Picture of KOPC members and friends of KOPC making Birddog dolls part of the Brat Bride Project. February 2024.
Healthy Ireland Cities & Counties

The origins of the Kilkenny One Parent Community

An LCDC task group was established to identify the key needs, to map issues and service gaps of lone parents in Kilkenny, and most importantly to engage these parents in identifying their needs. At that time there were 6,790 one parent families living in the county of Kilkenny and it was felt that their voices had all but disappeared from the landscape of groups. Kilkenny One-Parent Community (KOPC) was established following the published research for Kilkenny one parent families ‘voice and visibility.’

KOPC is a community who are parenting alone, sharing parenting, or parenting following bereavement, with a vision that Kilkenny is a place where the unique experiences of One Parent Families are recognised, respected and responded to.

The aims of KOPC are to;

  • Amplify the voices and increase the visibility of one parent families in a positive and empowering way throughout Kilkenny
  • Connect, support and celebrate the parenting journey. KOPC do this by welcoming, valuing and respecting all those parenting alone
  • Strive to be inclusive and respectful of all individuals and their experiences
  • provide relevant information to parents via the KOPC website and social media page
  • Offer opportunities for parents to connect and support one another
  • Collaborate with agencies and organisations who have a role in the provision of services and supports to One-Parent Families 

What was needed to get the group up and running?

A key action emerging from the Research ‘Voice and Visibility’ was to employ a Lone parent Development worker to develop a Network/Platform with the vision support and connect One-Parent Families in Kilkenny.  With support of the Healthy Ireland Fund, A development worker is employed to work two days a week for KOPC and works alongside the parent advisory group who are representative of the wider one parent family community.

The KOPC is supported by an agency advisory group who include:  Healthy Ireland, Kilkenny County Council, Tusla, Family Resource Centre, Kilkenny County Childcare Committee, Children and Young People’s Services, Kilkenny-Carlow Education & Training Board, Department of Social Protection, Health Promotion & Improvement, HSE, Kilkenny Leader Partnership and One-Parent Representatives from KOPC

The advisory group supports the programme, have secured funding, and collaborate with the parents through the voluntary parent advisory group and the development worker and other agencies for successful implementation of the KOPC  annual Action Plan

Partnership and Collaborations key to succeeding

KOPC have worked with Healthy Ireland, Creative Kilkenny, Kilkenny Leader Partnership, Kilkenny County Council, Tusla and Kilkenny Carlow Education and Training Board and have been successful in hosting a number of social engagements/activities through creativity classes, wellbeing workshops, Symposium, family fun-days, family workshops. KOPC aims to promote positive mental health and wellbeing and build on personal development.

The development worker leads on the administrative work and activity planning with smaller funding, creating opportunities for lone parents to meet and to engage with each other, continuing to work to address barriers to the participation of lone parents in society is essential.

Barriers to participation for parents:

  • Time
  • Affordability
  • Childcare
  • Transport

Mental wellbeing, social engagement and personal development benefits for members of KOPC

The priority theme for the work of KOPC is to improve the mental wellbeing and personal development of those who are parenting alone, and also provide activities for one parent families that sometimes families cannot afford. It is well documented that improving your mental wellbeing may be done by finding ways to relax and reduce stress for example by learning something new or being creative which can bring your attention back to the present moment, spending time in nature, connecting with other people, and looking after your physical and mental health.

KOPC  had several different activities, designed for adults and also family activities. As highlighted in the voice and visibility report, lone parents need social engagement, access to mental health and wellbeing supports, parenting programmes, accessible and affordable childcare and education, that help to reduce stigma, loneliness and isolation. Kilkenny One Parent Community since its establishment have offered our members engagement in cultural, health and wellbeing and parenting programmes, personal development courses, and providing a space for single parents to connect and engage with each other to reduce loneliness and isolation. A recording of experiences of some of the community members can be seen here

What the members of KOPC have to say about being part of this new community

 ‘Since my separation to do fun things with the kids outside of the home. We had such a lovely morning.’

‘I had forgotten how good it is to get out in Nature and walk to discover the medicinal purposes of the plants and the benefits of being in the forest.’

‘Great to meet parents in similar situations’

‘Being a member of Kilkenny One Parent Community has changed my life. ‘

It is great to have conversations with people who can relate to any issues you may face.

‘It has been difficult to do fun things outside the home with the demands of family life. It was great to have an inclusive family event and all my children commented on how much fun they have’

‘The brat bride project was a revelation- I thought I was signing up for a sewing course but it turned out to be so much more. I did learn to sew but also me a whole network of people parenting alone. Couples just don’t understand the challenges single parents face, they just don’t get it. But now I have a network of acquaintances and new friends who offer practical help and moral support. The project also allowed lots of chats about what it is to be a woman in Ireland. I got to hear lots of fresh and new and well-informed opinions from women I wouldn’t normally meet in my day-to-day life. This was great for me, I have learned a lot about different challenges people face e.g. living with a disabled child, or with no access to a car. Most of all, the project was creative and lots of fun. ‘

Example of KOPC Activities in 2024 included:

  • Easter Family Workshop: A craft workshop in St. Canice’s Neighbourhood Hall, Kilkenny.
  • Macrame Workshops: with the support of Creative Kilkenny
  • Happy Pottery Family Event.
  • Wildways for women: exploring the great outdoors and the wonders of wildlife
  • Easy-going Gardening Parents participated in a gardening programme in the outdoors learning about plants, weeding caring for your garden, and growing
  • Brat Brid Basic Sewing Skills Workshops: Parents were introduced to basic sewing skills, patterns and embroidery
  • Print block workshop: parents were introduced to skills of Basic and screen printing
  • One-Parent Family Symposium 21st March 2024: The Symposium was held this year on National Single Parents Day. The purpose of this event was to celebrate people who are parenting alone to explore issues faced by single parents and to reflect of the achievements of the KOPC since it was founded in 2020.
  • Spring/Summer walks and coffee mornings

Enduring quality of life benefits for KOPC members

Kilkenny One Parent Community (KOPC) has emerged as a vital support network and advocate for one parent families in Kilkenny, emphasising inclusivity, support, and empowerment. Through a diverse range of activities and initiatives, KOPC successfully amplifies the voices and visibility of single parents while fostering connections and reducing isolation. Key outcomes include enhanced mental wellbeing and personal development through engaging workshops, family activities, and educational programs. By addressing the specific needs of single parents and collaborating with various agencies, KOPC not only provides practical support but also creates a supportive community where parents  can thrive. Overall, KOPC’s efforts have significantly contributed to improving the quality of life for one parent families in Kilkenny, promoting resilience, social engagement, and wellbeing.

If you would like to find out more about KOPC you can visit their Facebook Page, Instagram or Website. Alternatively you can contact the Healthy Kilkenny Coordinator, Janette Boran who can assist you with this or other Healthy Kilkenny activities.