Presenters for EUPHA Conference

We are honoured and delighted that the Sláintecare Heathy Communities Health Literacy research work which was produced in partnership with DCU will be presented at the 17th European Public Health Conference in Lisbon.

On Thursday 14th November at 9am the team will will be presenting  a workshop session entitled Health literacy in Ireland: A participatory action approach with Sláintecare Healthy Communities . If you are attending the conference we would love to see you there and share our experience and how we are putting the research into action in our communities. The workshop will take place in Room 5A. Our Local Development Officers from Mayo Co Co, Westmeath Co Co and Cabra/Finglas in Dublin City Council will be showcasing how they are using a participatory approach to co-design focussed health literacy solutions with the citizens in their communities with the support of our research partners in Dublin City University.

If you would like to download a copy of the recently launched research report which underpins this workshop it can be downloaded here.